{% heroCard(hero="DALL_E_2023-10-17_22.04.01.png", href="/", color="#d7d484") %}

#### Example card

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E

{% end %}

Example card

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E

{% heroCard(hero="DALL_E_2023-10-17_22.04.01.png", href="/") %}

#### Example card with outline

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E

{% end %}

Example card with outline

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E

{% heroCard(hero="DALL_E_2023-10-14_15.28.50_-_polymathic_icon_logo.png", banner=false, href="/") %}

#### Example card

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E

{% end %}

Dall E 2023-10-14 15

Example card

Example image generated with Open AI, DALL·E