Page asides

By default every page will try to render an aside with navigation:

  • between next and previous pages within the same section
  • between next and previous pages within the same taxonomy term (for every page term and taxonomy)
  • to taxonomy-lists of its' taxonomies (with render=true)

An empty aside won't be rendered.

Configure for entire section

You can configure default aside for all pages in a section

    title="Section title"
    content="Plain text"

    Section content

Section aside

While sections do have visible aside rendered it's not configurable. Section renders its content to its aside, which expands to full page if the section has no descendants.

Configure or override for individual pages

Disabling all default behavior

    title="Page title"

Disabling some default behavior

    title="Page title"
    section=false # hide page navigation between next and previous pages within the same section
    term=true # render page navigation between next and previous pages within the same taxonomy term
    taxonomy=false # hide page navigation to taxonomy-lists of its' rendered taxonomies

Additional content in aside

You can display additional text in the page aside by setting

    title="Page title"
    content="Plain text aside content"

    Main content

Or hide the section aside content

    title="Page title"
    content=false # disable section aside content for this page

    Main content

Displaying table of contents toc in page aside

Besides all default navigation you can add table of contents to the current page aside

    title="Page title"