

You can add multiple favicons by specifying them in config.toml

    favicon = [
        {rel = "icon", type = "image/x-icon", size = "", path = "/favicon.ico"},
        {rel = "apple-touch-icon", type = "image/png", size = "180x180", path = "/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png"},
        {rel = "icon", type = "image/png", size = "32x32", path = "/favicon/favicon-32x32.png"},


polymathic uses your title in site title. Simply the "Title" on index.html page and "Page title | Title" on any internal internal page or section.

    title = "your app name"


polymathic uses your description in site description if no page or section description is provided

    description = "your app name"
    logo = "/your-logo.png"

Include a font url

    font_url = ";700&display=swap"


Whether to include a webmanifest file and path to it.

    manifest = "/webmanifest.json"

og:image fallback

Fallback og:image (one for entire site) can be configured in your config.toml and must point to a static file

    og_image= "/og.png"