polymathic demo

Docs & demo for polymathic, a Zola portfolio theme


polymathic is a Zola portfolio theme.

I made it for my own portfolio. The theme is called polymathic, inspired by individuals with a wide range of talents. The theme focuses on rich and consistent navigation experience, exposing the variety of topics to chose from, yet allowing the user to focus on a single thread of your story once they've made a choice.

This site is the docs & demo. This site itself uses the theme.

This theme uses Bulma scss framework, making the theme styles highly customizable.

This theme uses Animate.css for animations.

This theme adds minimal Open Graph tags to every page head.

Besides the styles, you can customize navigation, the theme relies on zola [taxonomies] and values you provide in [extra.poly].

Theme is extensible by overriding and extending its templates/, templates/partials/, templates/macros/, and blocks of those templates.

You can quickly deploy the theme to netlify, theme comes with a config file.

composition of screenshots of polymathic theme in multiple colors on desktop, mobile, and print

polymathic - Zola portfolio theme for those with many talents | Product Hunt